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Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Fave Newborn Products

I would be willing to bet that the baby and child product industry makes up 99% of all retail sales.  Okay maybe not that much... but a lot.  There seem to be an unlimited amount of baby products out there and how is a new parent supposed to know which to choose?  Trial and error?  Who has the money and time for that?
If you've ever walked in Babies R' Us and immediately felt like running out because there are 12 different sizes, 12 different colors, and 12 different brands of EVERY SINGLE ITEM, then you know a good product recommendation does wonders.  I thought I would share with you my very most favorite newborn baby products.  Other than the standard clothing, diapers, wipes, and car seat, I would be fine with ONLY these items for a newborn baby.  That's how great I think they are.
 Mam Pacifiers - When we started introducing pacifiers around 3 or 4 weeks, we quickly realized they are not all created equal.  He loves these and they are recommended by orthodontists!
Mustela Skincare - Cam has pretty bad eczema and extremely sensitive skin (no surprise to mommy and daddy) and these products are heaven sent! They make his skin and hair so soft and there are zero irritating chemicals and fragrances.  We love the whole Stelatopia line and are obsessed with the Newborn Foaming Shampoo for getting rid of pesky cradle cap.
Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment - We've used this stuff since day 1, literally.  Dry skin, baby acne, scratches from his little nails, diaper rash, you name it.  It's magic.
Medela Tender Care Lanolin - I tried about 4 different kinds of lanolin and this was the winner as far as comfort and healing goes.  I keep multiple tubes around the house in the places I nurse most often. Oh yeah, and my lactation consultant said it was the "latest and greatest" in the lanolin industry.  So there's that.
Bamboobies Nursing Pads - Coming from someone who leaked substantially from 26 weeks pregnant (sorry if that was TMI), these nursing pads are the best.  They are made of bamboo cloth which is super absorbent and soft and you can't see them under your clothes.  I have the big pack with day and night pads and I love them all! I can't talk these up enough.
Burp Cloths - Cam has a little bit of acid reflux which can be pretty common in newborns so these are vital in our house! I don't know if it really matters what brand or type you buy (at least it hasn't mattered to us yet.)  All I know is that you just need 198,373,197,231.  Luckily Kolby's grandma made us about 30 of these and we go through about 10-15 daily.
Black and White Toys - Newborns can't really play very much but it is still important to have playtime.  The contrast of black, white, and red is very stimulating and new babies seem to love it.  Cam loves this zebra toy (and the kisses it gives him)! It's a multitasking toy because it has lots of different textures, colors, and sounds so he will be able to play with it for months.
Twist and Fold Gym - We've used this gym from the first day we brought Cam home.  It makes his 15-30 minutes of supervised tummy time much more fun and enjoyable for him!  It has a detachable mirror and toys that can be moved and used on their own, lots of bright colors and black and white contrast, plus it folds up nice and small so that our living room doesn't always look like a daycare (just most of the time). 
My Little Snug-A-Monkey Swing - Because of Cam's reflux, he had to sleep in an inclined position for a few weeks and this was our solution.  It has a few different swinging options along with different swing strengths and different music and sounds, but Cam's favorite thing about it are the flying monkeys that rotate above his head.  At two months, he smiles and giggles at them every time.  It's the cutest!  A swing has been so nice to have for when I need to cook dinner, fold laundry, etc. and I both hands. 

Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets - Hands down, #1 favorite baby product.  Period.  These blankets are so durable and breathable, you can use them for so many things, and they come in super cute patterns.  We have about 10 of these and I could probably even go for another pack.  We use them to swaddle him at night, as a nursing cover, to cover his car seat if we are going in somewhere germy (eek!), and just as a regular blanket when it's warm.  They're my fave!
Night Gowns -  For the first couple months we had LOTS of middle of the night diaper changes.  These nightgowns with elastic bottoms made those easy because we just slid them up, changed his diaper, and we were done.  No need to expose his little body to the cold air (waking him up more - yikes!)  If you can't find many of these (for some reason I've had a really hard time finding them in any size but newborn) I would at least recommend buying pajamas with a zipper.  Buttons are the devil at 4 am.
Sweet Slumber Sound Machine - My brother and his family bought this for us for a baby gift and we use it nightly (and daily for naps).  It has many different white noise options and sound levels, you can hook up your ipod, and a pretty strong night light.  I keep it on my night stand and when Cam wakes up for a late night feeding, I use the blue nightlight to be able to see.  It keeps the room dim enough not to wake him but light enough for me to see him. The white noise reminds him of the womb which is an automatic soother - sweet!

These are my go-to products for the first two months.  Now to shop for my favorite items for the next 214 months! Recommendations are welcome!

What are your favorite newborn products?

xo -
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